summer is so stress full!
i have been to AZ for a month (3 weeks if u want to get technical) and i got to see my bf...
yea i know your probably thinking 'arnt you dating someone that lives in NC with you?' well i was... Jacob broke up with me.. that's OK .. i just wish he would make an attempt to be a little nice to me... i would love to still be friends with him.. but both parties have to want that for it to happen... oh well I'm not going to force anything.
But now I'm dating the person i wanted to date before i moved to NC and his name is Karl. Ive known him for so long and he told me he liked me a month (4 weeks) before i moved... so we wernt able to date (well we were under age to date anyway... we were both about 15)
i was able to see him for a few days. my grandma was kind enough to open her home(s) to him in that time (she has a house that she is renting out and the person who was renting it was out of town so Karl slept over there) we had a great time, accounting that i could drive and we had money. but Tyler , my brother, had to tag along.... it wasn't to bad. Tyler and Karl were cool with each other^_^.
Then when Karl had to leave we (grandma, aunt Lisa, Connor(cousin) Tyler and i) went up to Pagosa springs Colorado to see our uncle Richard. we had a blast. we went to a carnival, (where Tyler puked) we went shopping (where i bought a cute key chain with a fox on it), and we went to this spa (where i soaked in water that was 109 degrees).... FUN FUN FUN
when we came back from Pagosa, i went to my aunts house and she offered to take me to go see Karl for the day... the drive from her house to his was about 2 hrs... so i was surprised.. but i was able to see him and we went to the Mesa temple's visitor center to walk around...
and i am so thankful to my aunt and grandma for alowing me to see Karl this summer. they mean soooooooo much to me!
now that trip is don and over with... i have girls camp coming up this Monday (its Friday) and I'm a YCL!!! im hoping i can be a YCL for the 2nd years...(long story) but I'm a little excited about it.. not so much though... i just want to be a couch potato for the rest of the summer... or get a job so i can have some money... but what ever.